Salzburger Kulturvereinigung
The Columns of the Salzburger Kulturvereinigung
The Salzburger Kulturvereinigung unites three central themes under one roof: it organises concerts, the Salzburg Street Theatre and manages the Georg Trakl Museum. Over the decades, the Salzburger Kulturvereinigung has established itself as a leading concert organiser and strong cultural brand.
Board of Trustees
Mag. Hans Schinwald, President
Dr. Willfried Kaforka, Vice President
Mag. Hilla Lindhuber, Vice President
Board of Trustees
Michael Porenta, chairman
Dr. Gerfried Brandstetter
Susanne Czepl-Zrost
Roland Egger
Waltraut Hofmeister
Birgit Huber
Peter Illmer
Dieter Pape
Mag. Veit Salentinig
Gerhard Schmidt
Renate Wurm
Gerald Gruber
Dr. Jakob Weilharter